Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Influenza Susceptible Men

Men have turned into childish when suffering from minor illnesses such as influenza or headache. This is also the source of resentment their wives and lovers.

A recent study proves that men do not pretend to experience pain more seriously. That is why the scientists believe, man alive, but will quickly die in young age.

The reason, scientists found during evolution, he failed to build their immune system like a woman. That is, men tend to suffer more illnesses, more serious and longer than that experienced by women.

The team from the University of Cambridge to test all the factors that characterize males and females. From here note, adventurous lifestyle makes them men are more susceptible to disease and is, paradoxically, reduce the body's immune system.

The reason, he spends more energy to maintain reproductive capacity. So that the immune unable to prevent many diseases. Dr Olivier Restif from the University of Cambridge revealed men tend to be more susceptible to infections,including hormone disorders, and risk taking.


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