Monday, March 29, 2010

Toxins Dangerous to The Child's Brain Growth.

Fruits and vegetables is known as a source of vitamins and minerals recommended to always exist in the daily menu. Behind the benefits, fruits and vegetables are likely to carry harmful toxins for brain growth in children.

Fruits and vegetables are not the perfect washing, allowing pesticide used to eradicate the pests are still attached. Toxin type of chlorpyrifos was triggered physical and mental delays in children.

Study of 266 children in the South Bronx and northern Manhattan, New York United States found that the high concentration of pesticides in the blood (higher 6.17 pg / ml) triggered a decrease psychomotor development and mental development scores in children aged three years.

"The research helps to know what pesticide chlorpyrifos effects on child development. Apparently there are clear connections between chemicals, disruption of mental and motor development of children, even if there are other factors that endanger the environment," said Gina Lovasi, of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, as quoted by AP.

The results will be published in the American Journal of Public Health next May edition. "Although the banned pesticides are used for housing in the United States, organophosphorus insecticides chlorpyrifos and still used for various agricultural purposes," said the researchers, Virginia Rauh.

This type of pesticide use was banned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency since 2001, but is often still used in agriculture. Through these studies, the researchers hope that the professionals and policy makers know the dangers of pesticide exposure to pregnant women and children.


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