Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Minimal and Sexy Clothing Trigger Earthquakes

San Francisco - It's not about superstition or pornography. Monday (26 / 4) then, many women displaying her cleavage on Facebook. Lhaa .. What to do? The women are generous is simply to prove one of his remarks Iranian clergy who preach that exposing private parts can cause earthquakes.

More than 55,000 people to give official support so-called "Boobquake". Do not miss, the page belongs to Jennifer McCreight, who claimed to be a true atheist feminist was willing to donate photos chest. He pioneered the exhibition of the twin mountains.

Monday, April 26, 2010

thousands of students failed the exam

"That is not an automatic pass directly into the examinees registered
re, "said Head of Public Relations Jakarta Education Office Yusen Hardiman,
Monday, April 26, 2010.

The plan re-examination for high school / vocational school will be held on 10-14
May 2010.

Exam results posted to the home of each student. Besides
It also can be accessed through the website of each school.

"Results have been sent since yesterday, is expected announcement letter
acceptable to the students on this morning, "said Yusen.

Yusen further said that after this announcement, school administrators
will take care of those who did not pass to re-take exams.

Friday, April 23, 2010

meteor bone five times bigger than the meteor Wisconsin

Astronomers estimate the diameter of the meteor in the sky exploded in the sky Wisconsin, United States, on April 16 and still lost big with Bone meteor that crashed in the sea of Sulawesi October 8, 2009.

According to Dr. Djamaludin Thomas, Head of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Use of Aviation and Space Agency (Lapan) to Tempo Wisconsin meteor magnitude between 1-2 meters. The size of the explosive force was based on a count of meteors in the atmosphere. "The Bone meteor, estimated at about 10 meters in size and fall to the bottom of the sea waters of the Bone," Thomas said.

Amerka States Space Agency (NASA) said the meteor that exploded in Bone strength was three times the atomic bombs that devastated Hiroshima or 50 thousand tons of TNT (bomb-making material).

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Longevity Secrets

Secret of long life as simple as it can spread a smile. Smile wider and deeper creases around your eyes when smiling, the greater your chances of living longer.

Linkages between a smile and a long life is revealed by the researchers in a study published in the journal Psychological Science. These new findings add to other evidence that life with happiness and joy strongly affecting the quality of health and life expectancy.

Researchers believe the breadth and depth of the smile wrinkles around the eyes is a positive reflection of one's life that can be translated into long-term health is better.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Aid in Case of Heart Attack

Every year, millions of people die because they do not seek immediate medical help during a heart attack occurs. Noteworthy is the heart attack is a medical emergency. In this situation, the time to keep pace with heart muscle damage due to loss of blood supply.

In a medical handbook issued by the Mayo Clinic stated that stress or strong squeeze of the chest are the main symptoms of a heart attack. Heart attacks can also happen suddenly, or preceded by an attack of angina (tightness in chest). The pain can persist or can cause loss arising. However, the pain is prolonged or severe chest or upper abdomen should not be ignored.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Symptoms of Heart Attack

Heart and blood vessel disease is the leading cause of death in the world. Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005, as many as 30 percent of deaths occur due to this disease.

In addition, research conducted Basic Health Research Ministry of Health in 2007 in 33 provinces, or 440 districts / cities are known, the number of samples among the population of all ages in Indonesia, all ages at risk of heart disease by 7 percent. Meanwhile, for the population aged 15 years and over the prevalence of heart disease is estimated at 9.2 percent.

Dr. Pomegranate MKes of Research and Development Agency explains, this percentage amounts obtained from the results of research conducted through interviews about heart disease. The question, among others, about the symptoms and a history of heart disease.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

More General Cell Phone From The Toilet

More and more people of India, the second most densely populated country in the world, have access to mobile phones as compared to the toilet, according to United Nations University (UNU), Wednesday, on how to reduce the people who earn less cleanliness.

"It's tragic to think that in India, the country is now rich enough that an average of half its citizens have a telephone, about half of them are not able to obtain basic needs and dignity of a toilet," said Zafar Adeel, Director of the Institute for Water, Environment and Health (IWEH) at the UNU, and leader of the UN-Water, a coordinating body for the work related to water in 27 UN agencies and their partners.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Frugal Tips

Some of the tricks below can trim your spending during the holidays.

1. Bring your own drinks
Bring a few bottles / flasks containing drinking mineral water, tea, or hot coffee. This will detain you for an expensive stop at the coffee shop at the airport.

10 Communication Service User Complaints

Recent months, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics pretty much admitted receiving complaints from some citizens to quality telecommunications services which tend to be very volatile, either through a call center, SMS, email or physically writing a letter directly.

There are times when a complaint is received is quite good, as their performance evaluation has been published by random on January ago, but there are times also raises the level of public complaints from moderate to quite extreme, which addressed most of the telecommunications carriers, including Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, 3, Axis, Smart, Fren, Flexi, Esia, until Cheerful.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lyrids Meteor Shower

Lyrids meteor shower will come from tonight until 26 April 2010. The annual phenomenon can be witnessed in Indonesia after midnight.

According to lead researcher of astronomy and astrophysics at the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) Thomas Djamaluddin, the peak of the meteor shower occurs on 21-22 April. At that time, an estimated 10-20 meteors that appear every hour.

"Usually at certain moments in the increase of the meteor, but this year is normal," he said, Thursday (15/4/2010). Tatcher comet meteor from the start known astronomer since 2600 years ago.
Meteor showers it will come down near the constellation Lyra. It lies somewhere between the horizon to the northeast sky. With the weather conditions began memasukim dry season, marked by the rare rains fall, he said, most likely a meteor shower that can be witnessed without the barred clouds just after dawn until 01:00 o'clock before dawn.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sugar Accelerate Aging

You are among those who like sweet foods? Be careful, not only at increased risk of diabetes, aging also come sooner. Wrinkles are not only triggered by age, but also that excessive sugar consumption.

Excessive sugar consumption, making the skin susceptible to irritation and dry. At that moment, the wrinkles start popping up in unexpected places very easily. Not only that, the dark circles and bags under the eyes can also be seen more clearly. According to Francesco Clark, owner of skin care products, Clark's botanicals, sugar can indeed be a cause of wrinkles and aging faster.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cervical Cancer

Adolescent women have cervical cancer risk due to transmission of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Three out of four cases of new HPV infections occur in women aged 15 to 25 years.

Number of patients who died of cervical cancer in the world as many as 600 people per day. In Indonesia, 20 women die every day because of this cancer. While the world is estimated 630 million women suffering from cervical cancer.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The First View of Men in Women

Almost all male breast compact replied, when asked the most beautiful woman's body. They recognize it as the advantages and attractiveness of a woman.

Research at the University of Wellington, New Zealand, reveals, 47 percent of male respondents tended to look toward your chest before we see the face of a woman. Gaze toward the breast is also relatively longer than the other body parts.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Limitations on Facebook Status

Although the status update is one of the most popular facilities in the social networking site Facebook, but Mark Zuckerberg and his friends have limited the number of characters that can be entered when the user will update its status.

Although a maximum of only 420 character status updates, but this amount is still far more than just Twitter that limit the amount of just 140 characters.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Erectile Disorders

Erectile disorders are unable to hardening of the penis is erect and when required. Once in the life of this disorder is appropriate for men. Therefore, do not rush felt experiencing erectile problems before you answer this question:

Did you experience an erection when waking from sleep, either at morning or evening? If the answer is not at all, you should not need to delay the time to consult a doctor immediately.

The Panorama of Glacier Blood

Recent years, the panorama of Glacier Blood reappeared at a location of the Antarctic continent. The phenomenon is located in Mc Murdo Dry Valleys are famous as a vast territory without ice, is one of the most unique regions in the continent of Antarctica.

The valley is located at the South Pole though, but there are rarely ever the ice, because the wind that swept into the valley with the speed (hurricanes) 320 km / h capable of grabbing all the moisture.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Children Use Drugs

Has poor sleep patterns in childhood can lead children to become drug users and like to consume alcohol in her teens.

A study found, children who have difficulty sleeping between the ages of 3-11 years, will be more likely to use drugs in childhood. This research is linked to adolescent drug users, who are generally aged 18 and 21 years. The result, 386 young drug users experiencing sleep disorders in childhood.

AC Effects

Unconsciously we spent some time in the room air-cooled or air conditioner (AC). Starting from the office, car, transportation age, shopping malls, up to the bedroom.

We are simply seeking comfort in the midst of a tropical climate that is easy to grip. Regardless of adverse effects beyond the cold comfort of air conditioning machines produced. What are the bad effects?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Harry Potter Movie Script

The story of the last Harry Potter movie so far made a big secret. However, the script most 'secret' was found lying in a pub in England. Manuscript with mark Private and Confidential, was abandoned under a table after the film crew got drunk in that place.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Guidance of Human Evolution

Evolutionary theory states that human ancestors were apes. However, like what the change from ape to man so the big question.

Now the mystery was answered. Fossil skeleton found in a child aged around two million years believed to be a new species of hominid - a mix of primates and humans. Remarkably, the fossils were relatively intact, not only parts of bones or teeth.

Scientists believe, that framework is a type of human ancestors that have not been studied before - who entered the advanced stages of human ape to man, also known as Homo habilis.

Clash of the Titans

The film is telling about the battle of the gods in Greek mythology, 'Clash of the Titans', with great success. 'Clash of the Titans' successful first rank cinema ticket sales worldwide.

As quoted by Reuters on Monday (5/4/2010), a film directed by Louis Leterrier was scooped up revenues of U.S. $ 64 million or around Rp 579 billion. Revenue gained so much 'Clash of the Titans' only in the continental United States (U.S.) and Canada alone since it was first played on 2 April 2010 and then.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Men who have a wide face is more unbelievable than with a small face. That's according to research published in the Journal Psychological Science ", quoted from MSNBC.

In a study that looks like this computer game, known to the wide-faced man is presumed to tend to exploit others for personal profit. That was revealed by Michael Stirrat, head researcher of the "University of St. Andrews" in Scotland.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Arsenal FC VS Barcelona FC (UEFA Championship League 2010)

Arsenal, who had finally escaped from behind 0-2 after a 2-2 defeat by Barcelona in the visitors' first game of the Champions League quarter-finals at Emirates Stadium, London, Thursday early morning (western indonesia time).

Despite playing at home opponent, Barcelona even more control of the match, especially in the first half when Barcelona managed to master 70 games.